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OldMapsOnline News

OldMapsOnline - New version releasedPublished: 5 janvier 2023

Compare and overlay maps with each other! In the new version released in December 2022, we integrated the Compare tool into the www.oldmapsonline.org search engine. Now you can easil...

Swiss Maps Added to OldMapsOnlinePublished: 7 janvier 2022

After the Zentralbibliothek Zürich's "Durch Raum und Zeit" georeferencer project, maps from their collection have joined the OldMapsOnline portal. Dive into Switzerland's history fr...

Successful pilot of Moravian Library in TVPublished: 26 octobre 2020

The Moravian Library in Brno, Czech Republic, announces the results of the successful georeferencing contest, which was launched this year on the Staremapy.cz portal. The crowdsourc...

4000 new maps in OldMapsOnlinePublished: 23 octobre 2020

We are continuously and constantly enlarging the number of maps in our search engine database OldMapsOnline.org. We have recently added new historical maps and you can now search and...